How Light Moves

What is light? How does it move? In this media-rich lesson, learners grades 4-5 conduct simple experiments to investigate how light travels. They examine the paths that light takes with different materials and observe shadows, reflection, and refraction.

More Lessons from the Sky endeavors to present original lesson plans and highlight lesson plans already published that enhance student understanding of space-based technologies especially satellites and the use of satellite-based remote-sensing environmental data. In this lesson, the spotlight is on How Light Moves published by PBS Learning Media online.

Coupled with Light and Color, this lesson can be presented as the first of a two lesson set in which grades 4-5 learners develop an understanding of the nature of light and color especially as it relates to satellite remote sensing and digital imaging of various components of our Earth systems.

Relevant Disciplines:Physical Science
Grade Level:4-5
Adaptable to Other Grades:Yes
Time Required (class periods):2
Additional Resources Available:Yes

Next Generation Science Standards addressed in this lesson:
    4-PS4-2     5-PS1-1

Lesson Resources for How Light Moves
File Type/LinkDescription
Document-PDF Light and Shadow Walk worksheet, 41KB
Document-PDF Flashlight Predictions worksheet, 86KB
Image-jpg Spear Fishing Challenge image, 36KB